Thursday Pools

Inspiration Comes in Many Forms


While we love Google and all, engaging potential customers by giving them what they want and need is Thursday Pools’ number one goal. That’s why you can find out about pool designs and cost right from their home page.

Print Brochure

Though Thursday Pools sells business to business, they understand the consumer and consumer influences. The annual brochure is a great selling tool for their dealer network.

Video Ads

Knowing that video is a powerful medium, we created digital video ads that generated leads at nearly a 10% click conversion rate. (That’s really good BTW.)

Print Ads

 A responsible manufacturer, Thursday Pools put out a variety of water safety awareness pieces. We are so lucky to have clients who care like they do!

Tradeshow Backdrop

At a time when other fiberglass pool manufacturers have found themselves incapable of keeping up with unprecedented demand, Thursday Pools reveals how they managed to anticipate growth at tradeshows with a backdrop showing all their facility expansions. 

Lead Generation Content

 This online Pool Idea Book has generated over 3,500 leads in 3.5 years. And overall, eBook content we’ve done for Thursday Pools has generated over 5,000 leads as of 2021. We’re okay with that.

Account-Based Marketing

This account-based marketing campaign kicked off with a swag box and was followed up by emails with engaging information for potential dealers. We guess it was successful because they have to put potential dealers on a waitlist now.


High end pools deserve high end video. 

No regrets. Contact us.